About Our Group

When we were young gardeners, our days would quickly melt into nights as we amended, weeded, plotted, planned, and planted our gardens. Aches and pains could be soothed soaking in a hot tub at night followed by restful sleep that allowed us to repeat the process again the next day. We dreamed of more plants and more land – there would never be enough. It was a way of life that we would never dream of leaving behind.

We are now all at least sixty years old - a group of passionate gardeners with a more realistic approach to our gardening. We do not want to let it all go, but we feel the need to get it under control. Our bodies do not heal overnight. We take breaks and quit before dark. As a group, we share our experiences, learn from each other, and provide mutual support and encouragement to continue to enjoy gardening through our golden years.

Membership is limited at our monthly meetings. Those on our waiting list can visit this site and keep up with our group discussions. This Blog will continue to be refined over time – just like us!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


 Another beautiful spring day – this time in early June - how lucky can we get? A morning filled with sunshine, a bright array of colorful bloom, and our host all cheerfully greeted us on our first stop of the day, the well tended garden of Mike Snyder. The colors of our country’s flag, proudly displayed at the front door, were artfully echoed in the beds surrounding the lawn. 

Along the street, poppies shouted “Pay attention to us!” and we promptly obeyed their command. Other beautiful blossoms and well-behaved foliage (obviously more refined) chose to politely wait their turn at capturing our attention. 

Heading back along the side of Mike’s house, was like entering another world – a world filled with magic and whimsy, cozy garden retreats, and a plenitude of plants in every size, shape and texture imaginable. 

Even with so much packed into a normal sized parcel in the city, plenty of sunshine reaches the garden floor so sun lovers thrive in close proximity to plants needing shady sites.

Mike has strategically placed vine covered arbors along pathways providing a gentle point of transition from one cozy garden retreat to the next. Cleverly placed garden props create a sense of peace and quiet repose.  

As always, when we visit gardens, there were many questions asked. Mike graciously answered them all before joining us for the short trip to Caroline's garden.

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